Katie Odom: A Writer But Not an Author...Yet

Welcome to the world of Katie Odom, a writer who is new to the game and eager to learn. Katie believes that everyone has a story to tell, and she's here to help you find yours. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, Katie's blog is the perfect place to hone your craft and connect with like-minded individuals. So come on in, grab a cup of tea, and let's get writing!

Welcome to My Blog

In this section, I'll be sharing the journey of my writing process. From the inspiration for my stories to the challenges I face on the way, you'll get an inside look at what it means to be a writer. Join me as I explore different genres, experiment with new techniques, and grow as an artist.

About Katie Odom

Katie Odom is a writer based in Louisville, KY, where she lives with her husband and turtle. She is an aspiring author who enjoys reading science fiction and fantasy. She is also a book club member and reads widely. Katie is new to writing fiction, but has experience writing letters, eulogies, and essays. Her goal is to become a published author and share her stories with the world. When she's not reading or at her day job, she's writing and honing the craft with the women of Women Who Write Louisville.

fountain pen on black lined paper
fountain pen on black lined paper